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EMERAS, C-ITS platform

The digital transformation is leading us to a new interconnected and smart mobility where transportation infrastructure will become a service platform focused on the community movements (and needs) and not only on the individual ones. We are approaching a new scenario where the Intelligent Transport System (ITS) is evolving into a Cooperative Intelligent Transport System (C-ITS) according to a new paradigm in which operators, infrastructure, vehicles and users will communicate, creating a more efficient and safer event-driven ecosystem. The dialogue among the elements of the road environment will improve the services offered to the user in terms of safety and travel experience. Optimizing traffic flow will lead to a reduction in accidents, congestion and, consequently, in pollutant emissions.


SINELEC supports road operators in managing this new concept of mobility, offering them the tools to define their own road-map towards the future. EMERAS, the SINELEC C-ITS platform, allows a real-time bidirectional dialogue between vehicles and infrastructure and it guarantees the integration between road ITS devices and traffic control centers. Additionally, EMERAS collects and aggregates the information related to the existing scenario, soon activates pre-established response plans and spreads an immediate geolocated dissemination of the message addressed to the enabled vehicles, "just in time in the right place". The information exchange with the vehicles is possible because the OBUs (On- Board Units) communicate with the RSUs (Road Side Units), either physical or virtual, connected to the platform through an integration layer able to manage any communication protocol (DSRC/ITS - G5 or 4G/5G).



EMERAS can be used as a standalone solution with its own user interface, or it can be integrated with traditional traffic control centers using the DATEX II protocol. It can be deployed either on premise or cloud, and thanks to its micro-services architecture, the platform is widely scalable and ready to manage the exponential increase of data due to the expected growth of connected vehicles, in the coming years.


The use of EMERAS has recently been the focus of a significant initiative promoted by the ASTM Group, the second largest toll road operator in the world of which SINELEC is the technological arm, and Volkswagen Group Italia. Thanks to this project it was possible to test, for the first time in Italy, the direct interconnection between a standard car (Golf 8) and the motorway in open traffic conditions. Specifically, it was proved the real-time vehicle-infrastructure dialogue applied to the "Road Works" use case on the Arluno-Rho stretch of the A4 Torino-Milano motorway.


The solution developed by SINELEC can conduct all the use cases identified by the European Commission in the implementation of Directive 2010/40 and defined in the C – Roads project, known as Day 1 services and goes even further: it enables the delivery of many high value services, helping road operators to meet their safety goals by offering dedicated response plans to manage many complex critical situations.


For more details: info@sinelec.it